Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Black, White, and Whatever

I'm going to try to be polite but it may not be possible. A Princeton professor that has studied the problems of the American black population is whining a different tune of despair. He teaches that before positive change can improve the lot of the black people, the white people must realize that they have to accept black folks as equals. Maybe this was so in the past, but today it's just more nonsense. There is only one thing that makes all of humanity equal, and that is the philosophy accepted since time immemorial that we are all equal in the eyes of our creator. In other human characteristics we may or may not be equal at all. You have brown eyes and I have blue. I am 6'2" tall and you are 5'4'. You are able to jump 6' high, but I can only jump 4' high. You an solve complex calculus equations and I can solve none. I can not read a book and you can memorize one.

People that are white, yellow, tan, or whatever are usually considered white. People with darker skin; black, brown, or simply have a dark skin for example, are considered black. There is, for most of us, a  heritage that includes one or many links of color. As the world grows larger it become harder to find any "pure" heritage of anyone. We are, generally,  each with a mixed and stirred history.

To advance in our society requires effort, initiative, education, and so forth. 

In America the most prominent original settlers were on the white/whatever  side. The population that continued to immigrate here also tended to be the same. The original black population arrived in America only to be dominated by the white majority at the time. This, of course, was over 200 years ago. From that time forward the white/whatever population tried to maintain their 'so called' superiority. Black/whatever people were held down.

Now, 2016, we have a white/whatever population that feels endangered by the relatively recent immigration of people of the Islamic faith. Most tend to be of Semitic origin or black. So the overall demographics have changed a lot. White folks started ahead and then tried to maintain their lead by holding the black folks down. Today the white people no longer hold the considerable competitive or numerical advantage they had in the past, and the black people have been making huge strides of upward mobility in American society. 

To be sure there is still not "equality" in several areas but - the playing field is leveling out. And America has added a very large influx of Hispanic people,  and another large number of of Islamic people. The balance in our population is now changing rapidly and will soon be of four parts rather than two; 1. White 2. Black 3. Hispanic 4. Semitic. 

In order to absorb the new populations without bankrupting our nation - it is vital that we: 

1. Control our borders and limit immigration by requiring eligibility qualifications. 

2. Every new immigrant that desires permanent residency must pledge to become a citizen.
3. Insist that all intending permanent residency must learn English, our national language. 
4. Insist that at least one person in a family group have the promise of a job before entry. 
5. Require that each new immigrant has a "sponsor" that can help the adaptation process. 
6. Make the qualifications for welfare assistance more demanding. 


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