Old people tend toward dementia and that seems to include me. It's coming on and there is little a person can do about it. So why not relax and enjoy it? Start your day with the news on the telly.
@ Roseanne offends everybody. So what? I am personally offended by celebrity geniuses almost every day and I don't think I am alone. Roseanne pushed the envelope to far. Not once but several times. Her comedy and personality depends on scribing the limits. She's bound to overstep once in a while. No. That's no excuse. But it does happen to her and to countless other on the fence practicioners.
@ The Democrat Party should be condemned long before Rosenne. With all of the bitter, phoney, disgraceful, insulting, and misleading statements by the very liberal "hate Trump forever" idiots, a normal person would hang them right alongside Roseanne. It's not fair. And exactly just who was it that said it was?
@Jeff Sessions has an impossible job. He cheerfully jumped onto the hot seat and immediately recused himself from the largest controversy facing America. What in the hell was he thinking? If the Russians actually have invaded our political or military cyberspace to the extent that they can gather information that can be used against our national interests, it's a big deal whether the invasion was government sponsored and intentional or not.
@ So our Atty. General who is in charge of the security of our nations laws - recuses himself of any responsibility? Come on people. There is a rotten egg here someplace that needs to be removed.
@ Sexual harassment has been around for hundreds of years. Adam and Eve were not the same creatures. Adam (male) was a bit larger, stronger, etc., and Eve (demale) a bit smaller, less physically strong, and so forth. The major difference was their sexual construction with the male set-up to produce sperm and the female to receive it, and then make it into another human being.
Today, extremely progressive and other far out thinkers are trying to sell the idea that everything and everyone should be equal. It's not true. They are obviously and provably wrong. Men and women will never be equal in all things. Never ever. In human society men tend to aggressively court females, and females, for their part, tend to passively or secretly accept or reject the efforts of the male. With few exceptions this has always been so.
Now, in today's "media circus world", men who, at some time in their lives, carried their natural pashionate function further than normal boundaries (as set by the women subject to those advances), are to immediately reverse their behavior or be shamed for their minor infraction or publicly and lawfully sued for major infractions.
The male behavior, if particularly unlawful, must be addressed by the proper authorities (Doctors, Nursees, Pastors, Policemen, etc.) AS CLOSE TO IMMEDIATELY AS POSSIBLE. Certainly one month after the event should be sufficient.
These women who may or may not have a legitiment complaint, but have not attempted to make known the behavior within one month - should have no legal standing, no public forum, and no further claim on the errant male.
People like Bill Cosby for example, may be guilty of sexual harassment recently - but the claims and lawsuits against him stemming from 1 year or 10 years or 20 years ago - should be considered worthless and be disregarded.
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