Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Trump Goes To Russia Again

President Trump has once again caused the very liberal left to show their ignorance. They have become so stupid it's amazing. How did we ever let extreme radical progressivism become so dominant? Americans were recipients of more natural assets and advantages than any other country. Now the progressive left is screaming, ranting, raving, and acting like we are not giving it away fast enough. Like petulant children they protest our "democratic republic government". They want our country to have no borders and no immigration restrictions. It's ridiculous on it's face, but they have used the issue to form a brick-wall stopper preventing progress. Their actions have become anti-American.

In well over fifty years there has never been I've never been such idiocy in a political party. If you are a Democrat today - you are an advocate of political suicide.The general thinking of the Democratic Party: 
  • is turning away from biblical philosophies. 
  • is convinced there is no benefit to national borders. 
  • believes the way to reduce the number of unwanted children is to kill them. 
  • believes that charitable diplomacy should lead our foreign policy. 
  • believes free market capitalism should be replaced by socialism. 
  • and that the key to reducing poverty is increasing welfare.
The President has been trying, with urgency, energy, ability, and careful thought, to return America to it's heritage of liberty and freedom for it's citizens, fewer government controls, eliminating un-needed laws and correcting ineffective ones. He has found ways to return fairness to our foreign relations. The President is attempting to guide America back to it's roots; the Constitution as written, Declaration of Independence, and traditions of progress.  They are the basic, irreplaceable foundation stones of our government, our freedoms, and our American exceptionalism. 

It needs o be said that President Trump is no angel. His style is more like a carnival barker or a traveling salesman. He speaks fast, bluntly - and often not precisely with facts. He frequently mis-speaks and then spends far too much political capital trying to turn around or "walk back" his comments. He leaves behind an impression of chaos, indecision, and incompetence. He drives his press secretary and other cabinet members nuts - and feeds headlines to the media.

But - if anyone carefully looks at the positive results of his actual efforts they will discover that his central themes are working. They are working very well indeed. 

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