Ultra Liberalism is destroying America. Many years ago, environmentalists began to challenge the importance of human beings over other animals. This brought to mind old Dr. Sweitzer who wouldn't purposely step on an ant or other bug. He thought of his philosophy as a "reverence for life". He may have gone a bit too far, but he made his point. All life is important.
More recently, Rachael Carsen decided that many commonly used chemicals were actually nasty and were killing both bugs and human beings. The first big example recall was DDT. With little real evidence she concluded DDT was doing more harm than good. This may have been true but it was clear that she focussed on the damage and ignored the benefits. It was true that DDT was being widely, indiscriminately and uncontrollably used. There was also no doubt that it could also be dangerous. Time passed and DDT is now carefully controlled and very helpful helpful to humans and animals.
Since then, science has found that carbon based petrochemicals are bad and solar energy is good. They might be right or they might be wrong. They have decided that it is politically incorrect to talk about it. So, bring on the electric cars. Ban the coal. Do not use the earths natural resources if the sun is stil lit.
John Muir walked the Sierras and firmly established that the mountains were a gift of nature and should be preserved. The national government stepped in and bought the most of the Sierra's. Then they put up signs restricting 'who/what/and when' people could walk on the property.
So who knows? Liberals want more gun controls when clearly most proposals do not satisfy the right for individuals to defend themselves and their property. That right is fundamental to every American.
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